Top 10 Green Things to Do on Earth Day

Knock Knock, its the earth day tomorrow and are you prepared for it? Though we celebrate Earth day only once in an year on 22nd of April, but do you think it is sufficient compared to what out earth gives us for free of cost viz soil for agriculture, air for breathing and uncountable number of things. So here is a tribute for our Mother Earth who has bestowed us with such wonderful gifts. Going green has not remained a fashionable statement but is the need of the hour!
This write up is not about great things or charities that one needs to do on this great day, its about the small everyday activities of individuals that can be performed in a greener way. Follow these simple steps as they too can make a big difference.
1.Visiting the official Earth Day website should always be on your agenda. It is that platform where you can learn as to how and where can you participate in eco issues and also if some green activity is being organized near your place.
2.If possible get yourself a carbon foot print calculator and check the level of environmentally friendly activities you indulge in. Make sure you practice water conservation at your home.
3.Ask each member of your family to plant a tree on this day. Going organics is the new catchword these days. Opt for organic food (product made according to certain production standards), organic clothing (made from natural and fibres and are free of pesticides) and practice organic gardening. Growing veggies and food at home is the best way to practice green activities.
4.If you are planning to purchase new computer or networking equipment, then make sure that you do not dispose the old one callously. Donate it to a school or organization or send it back to the company so that they can recycle it properly.
5.Before you buy any stuff ask your self whether you need it. Often things are bought at impulse and then they add on to the massive waste. Reading books and magazines contrary to the hard copies will save a lot of trees.
6.If you want your kids and family to abstain from harmful chemical when outside, enjoy the benefits of sustainable landscape architecture. Voting for the green causes and involving family into these activities also proves effective.
7.Besides practicing small steps, if possible go for a green renovation of your house.
8.Switching to organic flowers and e cards instead of paper cards can also be instrumental.
9.Changing all the bulbs in your house to fluorescent lamps which is a highly effective way to conserve resources and saving money. There are many different types of fluorescent light bulbs available today.
10.Special tasks that can be undertaken by children is the ideal way of teaching them the benefits of this glorious day and involving them in order to make this activity sustainable.
From this Earth day and onwards let us pledge to adopt a few of these activities and ensure a helping hand in saving the world from destruction.
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