Electric Bikes to go Mainstream

Though the hum of electric bikes have been in the years for quiet some years now, but never before has it been showcased in such a manner as now. Yes! The year 2009 saw these electric components getting the focus of the media as well as consumers. Be it the reason of being automation savvy or the worldwide concern of saving the environment from pollution, the result is – Extra Energy Electric Bikes.
Although they claim to be highlighted in the trade events of Euro Bike and IFMA around ten years ago, they did not enjoy the deserved recognition. It was only after the mid nineties that their potential was realized in Japan. Since then there has been no looking back. Their popularity can be estimated with the fact that in China alone some 20 million e-bikes were sold last year.
E bikes emerged as an excellent alternative to cars and in Europe it was applauded for its advantageous characteristic like less use of gasoline, cheap to buy and faster than regular bikes, thus making riding an adventure rather than a tedious undertaking. Electric biking is the best way to make tame even the most difficult tracks. Besides being a great activity for the old, they are also attracting young crowd.
The trend of e biking has arrested almost every automobile and cycle shops in the world and their popularity has increased so much that today even a small shop has an electric bike in their display to boast about. The manufacturers and suppliers of these electric bikes are very confident of the large potential that is exuded by it. To make it more happening and meet customers demand, the manufacturers in recent times are making various innovations like up gradation in style, diversity in product range, and special characteristics. The launch of the Electronics and an auxiliary electric motor should also be credited for having brought a revolution in the bicycle manufacturing industry.
The joy of riding an electric bike in unparalleled. Possessed with various features and functions, these e bikes do not require too much of muscle power and riding them is equivalent to traveling on the wind. Although many advanced version of these bikes are available in the markets but still there is a lot of room for further expansion. The failing economic scenario of 2008 and sky-high fuel prices have all proved to be a boost in the reputation of these bikes. Consumer awareness regarding the environment as well as interest can also be said to have contributed to the rise in demand for these electric bikes.
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