KEB's Gift to the Automation Market – Multi Axis Drive System

KEB's initiative of launching a multi-axis motion control solution on the drives market is the first approach of its kind in the motion controls industry. Combining various nuances like single-axis and multi-axis controllers, supply modules, regenerating units, motors, efficient cooling concepts and motion control functions to a drive system, this technology is being designed to be applicable with outputs up to 160 kW.
KEB is a renowned name in the motion control industry and has been serving the world for the past 35 years. Known for manufacturing high quality drive and control engineering, KEB products realize starting, stopping, positioning and control of complex machinery. Embellished with a great state of the art electronic and mechanical drive systems, the company through the launch of its new product is trying to expand its stand in the control drives sector of motion controls industry.
The advantage of this mechanism is that it will be possible to use them in the industries like mechanical and automation engineers in the robotics and handling, packaging, logistics, as well as wood, metal and plastics industry sectors as well. According to the head of marketing and sales at KEB, Norbert Schwabbauer, this initiative is extremely compact and the slim body of the same will act very instrumental in allowing them to fit conveniently in the control cabinet.
This multi Axis Drive system has a central opening so that the DC-interconnections are well interconnected and the operation too is fast and comfortable. Some of the unique features of the drive system are - a high performance 32-bit-CPU, CoDeSys 3.2 programming that allows programs in IEC 61131-3 languages and can take over PLC and motion-control-functions as well as numerical control (NC) tasks. The COMBIVERT H6 has an Ether CAT Master module and the consumer also has a choice of Ethernet-Interface which is available for local operation. Integration of safety functions is an added bonus.
The officials of the Germany based Company have announced two levels of integrated safety operation. While the first module level guarantees the safe disconnection of the supply voltage without additional software and also offers the he functions Safe Torque Off (STO) and Safe Brake Control (SBC), the second module ensures the users of safe inputs, a safe disconnection and a redundant micro controller structure. This technological product will also include safe speed reduction (SLS) technology along with safe operating stop (SOS), safe stop (SS1 and SS2).
This product that has been launched by the KEB is still being evolved and various safety function of the products are still in the planning stages.
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