Water Treatment Control Valves – The Need of the Hour

The demand of 11/4-inch plumbing in residential applications by the construction and building industry is rising. Earlier when only 0.75-inch plumbing was required in a home, today any new home utilizes 1-inch or more plumbing to supply three or more bathrooms, two kitchen sinks, a bar sink, hot tub, laundry sink, mud room sink, soft water hose bib and two hard-water hose bibs. This race has led the people to look for new technologies for their homes. To solve the purpose Fleck Controls marketed its product under the name 3200NT Network Controller. The key advantage of this valve is to fit the standard environmental power heads and use a simplified wiring harness for easy servicing. By installing this specific valve one need not stock special wiring that is needed for creating a shorter lead time. It can be also used to configure any system type, completely eliminating the need to stock special wired systems. Simple installation, improved functionality, plug in wiring, single electronic controller for various systems thus reducing the total cost borne by the customer are a few conspicuous advantages of these valves. Their application involves more simplified solutions that will cover everything from simple commercial softeners to high-purity process water.
Besides, the attributes like limited field wiring of low voltage up to 24VAC power wiring, electronic meter cables and standard telephone cables that acts instrumental in evading the need to hire an electrician, make this component more desirable. The application of these mechanical control valves can range from simple water softeners for restaurants and apartment buildings to boiler feed water and high-purity process water. It is this facet of wide scope that a lot many builders are opting for it.
The modern technology involved in the methodology of these flow control valves includes circuit board with communication capability that allows the controllers to communicate through a simple RJ 45 phone cable, built in functionality and enhanced capability. The manufacturers of 3200NT Network Controller are of the opine that this product is a window to the future technologies that are going to arrest the manufacturing and fabrication industry in the near future. The flow control concept is a basic control package that can be used as a building block for improved products in the future that are faster to market and compatible with existing market technology.
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